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  • Islam / Judaism / Paintings (41)
  • Images Of World Heritage

    Islam / Judaism / Paintings (41)

    Islam / Judaism / Paintings (41)

    Bichitr Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings St Petersburg album

    Blake William - Elohim creating Adam

    Blake William - Raphael warning Adam and Eve

    Blake William - Satan watching Adam and Eve

    Blake William - Satan watching Adam and Eve

    Blake William - The Ancient of Days




    Muhammad on Winged horse following Arcangel Gabriel

    Muhammad on Winged horse following Arcangel Gabriel

    Mohammed's Paradise

    Conversion of Saul - Michelangelo

    Creation of Adam Sistine Chapel - Michelangelo

    Mansur Al Hallaj

    David and Goliath - Gustav Doré

    Djinn - Ralf Heynen

    Dream of Solomon - Giordano Luca

    Esfahan Chehel Sotun Iran

    Expulsion of Adam and Eve - Benjamin West

    Fyodor Bruni - Nehushtan or Moses raising the Serpent

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