Ancient, Sacred and Gnostic Texts, Articles, Excerpts

Science (14)

Science (14)

Venerabilis Opus Hollow Earth

Venerabilis Opus
Hollow Earth

Much has been said lately about the Hollow Earth... Today science -math, atomic and quantum physics, astronomy- know very well that creation is FRACTAL.
Year 1831 Cyliani, the formation of Planets: The Comet!

Year 1831
Cyliani, the formation of Planets: The Comet!

“Place before your mind an immense space within which floats this system of worlds composed of suns, of nebulae, of comets, of planets and satellites, all swimming within the breast of eternity...
Agharta Hollow Earth

Hollow Earth

Countless stories, myths, and legends are told about underground cities and subterranean civilizations spread through a vast network of interconnected tunnels across the planet.
Science Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete?

Are Pyramids Made Out of Concrete?

The scientific proofs
Footprints... Does Man Come From Ape?

Does Man Come From Ape?

In 1994, Ronald Clarke identified several hominid skeletons from South Africa dated between 2.2 and 3.3 million years old!
The New York Times Immortality Beckons To Biologists

The New York Times
Immortality Beckons To Biologists

The study of aging is undergoing a possibly profound change, and a handful of biologists are beginning to think about interfering with the mechanisms that make the body mortal...
Samael Aun Weor Sexuality and Health

Samael Aun Weor
Sexuality and Health

Biologists have evidenced through many years of observation and direct experience that the sexual glands are not closed capsules, since they excrete and increte hormones...
Oxford University Humans predisposed to believe in gods and the afterlife

Oxford University
Humans predisposed to believe in gods and the afterlife

The £1.9 million project involved 57 researchers who conducted over 40 separate studies in 20 countries ...
Ancient Egypt Stone Technology

Ancient Egypt
Stone Technology

How they did it remains a mystery...
Chet B. Snow, Ph.D. Mass Dreams of the Future

Chet B. Snow, Ph.D.
Mass Dreams of the Future

According to Venerabilis Opus, the most impressive projection in the future!
Gnosis Online
Some writing to suggest? Send it to us!

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